Saturday, December 21, 2019

Essay about Child Abuse in America - 2804 Words

According to Tennyson Center for Children, â€Å"A report of child abuse is made every ten seconds in the U.S.† (â€Å"Child Abuse in America†). One cannot fathom the idea of why anyone would intentionally hurt the innocent children of today’s society. Child abuse happens with children of all ages, gender, and religions. Likewise, the world can be identified as a harsh place, where child abuse occurs around the world, and is even evident in the United States. There are many factors that contribute to this repulsive behavior. Physical, sexual, and psychological cruelty are effects of child abuse. Physical abuse is a painful, devastating event that occurs on a daily basis. According to the government of Newfoundland and Labrador,†¦show more content†¦Based on the American Humane Association some indicators of physical abuse are, â€Å"swelling and cuts on the child’s face, head, back, genital area, butt, or thighs, and wounds like bite marks, burns , broken bones, puncture marks, or missing hair† (â€Å"Child Physical Abuse†). There have been records of parents bringing their kids to the emergency room saying they fell causing breaks and fractures or burned themselves when the burns are too severe to be an accident. Medline Plus encyclopedia advises action must be taken if there is belief â€Å"a child is being abused; report it immediately, by calling Child Protective Services or the local police† (Child Abuse-Physical). By getting the local authorities involved countless of children’s lives can be saved and be given a chance to live a better, healthier life. In reality, leading a life where a child feels loved, safe, and happy can be tough if they were or are abused. The effects of physical abuse are intolerable and painful to see. The children of child abuse face danger and fear every waking minute of the day. An example of this is told in Dana’s story, â€Å"I was 15 years old. He would c hoke, punch, kick, slap, burn, slash, and staple me within my five years of abuse. He would strangle me to the point of near death. In the end I didnt struggle I just prayed I wouldnt wake back up to another day or minute of abuse. He would have bad days and started with sarcastic comments, name calling and belittling me,Show MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Sexual Child Abuse On America1517 Words   |  7 Pages The Impact of Sexual Child Abuse in America Child abuse has been going on for many years. There are many forms of child abuse, however, there is one that is far worse than the rest; sexual abuse. Children has a natural instinct to trust too easily and believe what people tell them, especially if they know those people. Statistics show very high figures of sexual child abuse in America. When children undergo sexual abuse, it impacts their whole being. There are physicalRead MoreIn America, Family Violence Such As Child Abuse And Spousal1327 Words   |  6 PagesIn America, family violence such as child abuse and spousal abuse which is mostly against women has been known to be a silent crime. There has been a high percentage of cases against women and an estimated one half of all child abuse cases have been unreported (Pepler, 1989). In the late twentieth century, feminist groups began a campaign to accomplish a goal to eliminate family violence by changing people’s realization to conclude that no victim should leave a crime unsaid .in addition, twenty-eightRead MoreCentral America Vs Southern America Sexual Child Abuse1298 Words   |  6 PagesCentral America vs Northern America Sexual Child Abuse The sexual child abuse issue has become of significance within the United States as an alarming focus in the past 30 years. Sexual child abuse (SCA) is such an extensive topic and yet as time progresses this subject is more unrestricted for discussion, various dialogs are provided to make parents and care-takers aware of the signs of potential sexual child abuse. Seminars are provided to and for children to teach methods in identifyingRead MorePreventing Child Abuse By Donna J. Stone984 Words   |  4 Pages Prevent Child Abuse America is one of my top list organizations that makes a really big difference to preventing child abuse. The Prevent Child Abuse America is the organization founded in 1972 by Donna J. Stone. Their mission is â€Å"to prevent the abuse and neglect of our nation s children.† This organization helped and saved many innocent lives who suffered from abuse. They offer children to be able to stand again and seek better opportunity despite of being a victim of child abuse. They haveRead MoreChild Abuse1192 Words   |  5 Pages Doug mikel Child Abuse Sociology 111 Tues./Thurs. 8a-9:15a Tina Harrell 9/21/2014 Imagine living a life you fear, one you have to keep a secret. Always pretending to be happy and carefree when deep down thinking, Please don t let this day be the last. Living in a house where painful marks and scars are hidden by long sleeves, and jeans. Looking over your shoulder wondering when the next assault is going to be. â€Å"Almost five children die every day as a result of child abuse.  Ã‚  More than threeRead MoreSeveral Cases of Violence Against Children1030 Words   |  5 PagesThere are a couple of things I see today which can lead to child abuse. First of all, we have an epidemic of babies having babies. According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2012) babies born to teenagers are at risk for neglect and abuse because their young mothers are uncertain about their roles, and may be frustrated by the constant demands of caretaking. They also contend that babies born in the U.S. to teenage mothers are at risk for long-term problems in man y majorRead More Child Abuse and Neglect Essay1139 Words   |  5 PagesChild Abuse is a very serious issue all throughout the world, in all different countries, cultures, and communities. The four main types of abuse are emotional abuse, physical abuse, neglect, and sexual abuse, and although emotional abuse and neglect are often overlooked, each has just as severe effects on children as sexual and physical abuse (Saisan et al.). The many causes of all kinds of the abuse of children have devastating effects on the child’s life presently and later on in life. ThereRead MoreChild Abuse And Neglect Is The Act Of Maltreating A Child Essay1708 Words   |  7 Pages child Abuse and Neglect In America Child Abuse is the act of maltreating a child. Abusing of a child can be by the parents, guardians or caregiver. More than five children die every day as a result of child abuse and neglect. Eighty percent of these children are under the age of four. We have close to sixteen million children in America and every child deserved a short at the American dream. When every child gets a fair chance at success, AmericanRead MoreChild Abuse At High School1397 Words   |  6 Pagespeople the only way they know how to be treated? I dont know alot about child abuse, other than it ruins kids lives, their entire lives, from the day they are getting the beating up to the day they close their eyes in their bed about 10 years later, waking up screaming because they had another nightmare. My lack of knowledge about child abuse has furthered my interest in the subject and motivated me to get involved. Child Abuse: when a parent or caregiver, whether through action or failing to actRead MoreThe Factors That Push Some Parents Abuse Their Children1078 Words   |  5 Pagesstrengthening the parent-child relationship, improving parenting skills to optimize the home environment and to increase the family’s ability to problem solve and assume he role of advocate for themselves and their children (Healthy Families Niagara). I assisted in building trusting relationships in the family unit. I assisted the family in establishing goals and a plan for accomplishment of those goals, as well as the assessment of normal growth and development of the child. I was responsible for

Friday, December 13, 2019

Beh 225 Appendix D Free Essays

Associate Level Material Appendix D TV Character Evaluation Part I Write a summary of 350-700 words identifying the contributions of Freud, Jung, and Rogers. Sigmund Freud, is often described as the most famous figure in psychology. He’s written books on Hysteria; commonly being referred to as the â€Å"father of psychoanalysis†. We will write a custom essay sample on Beh 225 Appendix D or any similar topic only for you Order Now His most popular works being highly influential on others that study psychology. unconscious, – Psychosexual development (stages), Neurosis, transference and trauma are theories that Freud has developed over the years. One of Freud’s theories was, that the personality is three structures. Another theory of Freud’s was that our personality is rooted in the dynamics of the unconscious. He determined that the aggressive and sexual instincts were primarily unconscious drives which could determine our human behavior. Carl Jung is a psychologist that mostly studied the human psyche, dream analysis, and the collective unconscious. Cowgil (1997) refers, He proposed and developed the concepts of the extroverted and introverted personality, archetypes, and the collective unconscious. The issues that he dealt with arose from his personal experiences. For many years Jung felt as if he had two separate personalities. One introverted and other extroverted. This interplay resulted in his study of integration and wholeness. His work has been influential not only in psychology, but in religion and literature as well. She also believed that the unconscious mind had two separate components; the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious. Hall (1997) refers, Carl R. Rogers is known as the father of client-centered therapy. Throughout his career he dedicated himself to humanistic psychology and is well known for his theory of personality development. He began developing his humanistic concept while working with abused children. Rogers attempted to change the world of psychotherapy when he boldly claimed that psychoanalytic, experimental, and behavioral therapists were preventing their clients from ever reaching self-realization and self-growth due to their authoritive analysis. He argued that therapists should allow patients to discover the solution for themselves. Rogers received wide acclaim for his theory and was awarded various high honors . Through Rogers extensive efforts in expressing his theory of personality through the publishing of books and lectures he gained a lot of attention and followers as well as those who strongly disagree with his theory of personality development. Reference Cowgil, Charles. Carl Jung, 1997. Part II Choose three of your favorite television characters; past or present. Complete the following matrix describing the characters’ personalities from the point of view of the three theorists, Jung, Freud, and Rogers. |TV Character |Jung |Rogers |Freud | |1. | | | | |2. | | | | |3. | | | | How to cite Beh 225 Appendix D, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Awful Heavy free essay sample

That curtain is awful heavy. It looks alright from the audience, I suppose. When you’re sitting in row EE, seat 20, the red velvet looks as soft as can be and the folds of the fabric, as gentle as a newborn lamb. Yeah, from row EE, seat 20, that curtain is alright. But get closer. I dare you. Get on stage and stand under that curtain. It doesn’t look as gentle now, does it? It’s awful heavy. I would know. I’ve been hit a few times, gotten a few bruises. Gentle as a newborn lamb? Ha! A newborn lamb wouldn’t hurt a fly. This curtain is no lamb. I know it’s heavy because I spent so long trying to hold that curtain open for myself. I was backstage, tripping around in the darkness and stumbling into sets. Sometimes, I’d get a glimpse past the heavy red velvet into a land of bright lights and fake personas. We will write a custom essay sample on Awful Heavy or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This was my somewhere over the rainbow and I prayed for a tornado to sweep me off my feet. But the curtain was impermeable, or so I thought. It liked to play games with me and open just a crack. And I’d race forward and tug at it, thinking that this was my chance to get through a brick wall, only to get lost within the folds. It teased me, that curtain did. It was too heavy for me or I was too weak, or maybe both. I’d try to hold it and my arms would shake and my legs would shake and I’d shake until my body gave out and I collapsed backstage. All I wanted was one opportunity to shine like the stars, but it seemed to be written in my stars that I’d never get the chance. The curtain didn’t just block me from lights and an audience. No, it blocked me from opportunity. At times, it didn’t seem like a total block. It would open just enough to let me see the opportunity, maybe even smell it a little bit. Sixth grade and I landed in the ensemble and I tried to sing my heart out in a sea of faces caked in stage make-up. But I could feel that curtain laughing behind me and seventh grade came along and it slammed shut. I couldn’t get by that sea of red. Those waves were too big for me and I wasn’t Moses. I wasn’t a star. Two years and I had stopped trying, but I hadn’t forgotten. I pushed my desires to the back of my mind and they kept creeping back up on me and I couldn’t ignore them. I tried again and the sea parted, but just a crack and I was stuck somewhere in the middle and others were stuck there with me. We were the ensemble and we sang and danced, but there was a constant threat that those red waves would come crashing down. I mostly kept dry, but throughout the rest of ninth grade and the beginning of tenth, the sea lapped at my feet. The slap on the face came at the end of tenth grade. I didn’t make the play and my cheek hurt a whole lot for weeks to come. That curtain was heavy. I met that curtain’s cousin, or maybe brother, when I switched schools in eleventh grade. Just as red and just as menacing and I wanted that opportunity more than anything. Another ensemble role. It was written in the stars. Another slap in the face. I was almost used to the pain, but not quite. I’d never get quite used to that sort of pain. Maybe I should have given up and sat in row EE, seat 20. Maybe then I’d start to see the curtain as a lamb. One more audition. One more school. I ignore the curtain, give it my best. I can almost feel the burn against my cheek. This curtain looks heavier than the others; maybe it’ll leave a big red mark that’ll hang around for weeks, just to remind me every time I take a look in a mirror. The slap never comes. There’s no mark and it’s my turn to laugh and I’m over the rainbow, across the Red Sea. I can see the lights and I feel like a star and the audience claps and I am a star. My face gets red, but not because of the curtain. It’s because of my pride; I made it. I’m over the curtain. That curtain is awful heavy. I feel a little bit bad for it, having to just hang there all day.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

PSY101 memories Essay Example

PSY101 memories Paper George Miller found that the average person is able to keep about ____ digits in mind at a time. seven When an old piece of information interferes with your proactive The memory problem called retroactive interference happens when leaning new information interferes with your memory of old information. Tim can remember what he had for lunch yesterday. This is an example of aan episodic memory. Explicit memory, also called ____ memory, can be clearly stated or explained declarative The memory of how to perform a task is implicit memory Endel Tulving, the cognitive psychologist, classifies memories according to the type of information stored. The two types of explicit memory described by Tulving are semantic and episodic memory. The memory of things that happen to us or occur in our life are referred to as episodic memory. Abe and Rose, who have been married for 13 years, are discussing the episodic Your recollection of the humiliating lecture you received after you were episodic Recall of what your professor said in class and recall of what you wore that day are semantic and episodic General knowledge of history, algebra, and literature refers to ____ memory. semantic The type of memory one would use to remember the seven wonders of the semantic memory. When stating I know. you are referring to a(n) ____ memory semantic; episodic In-line skating and tap dancing skills would be stored in ____ memory. implicit The distinction between semantic and procedural memory is what it was and how one did it. Which of the following is most likely to remain firmly embedded in how to swim Tracy took tennis lessons when she was very young but had not implicit Once we have learned the multiplication tables the recall of 6 times 6 is priming The story about a woman with amnesia who was able to dial her mothers implicit ____ memory is recalling information that was previously learned Retrospective; prospective Which of the following use prospective memory? none of the above The memory that tends to fail when we are feeling stressed, distracted, and prospective memory. Which of the following is not a type of prospective memory? knowledge-based tasks. Which of the following causes a decline in both prospective and retrospective memory? aging The process of changing information so that we can place it in memory is called encoding. The stages of information processing in memory are encoding, storage, and retrieval Jason, straining his eyes on the deck of a ship, is trying to memorize distant visual code. Which of the following is not a psychological format that can be sensory code Which of the following could be used to store The Star Spangled Banner song acoustic code What type of code represents stimuli in terms of their meaning? semantic code Ludwig, a cellist, is memorizing a musical composition by heart without reference to acoustic code. Mimi is memorizing the Bill of Rights in relation to the legal cases in semantic code. ____ means maintaining information over time. Storage Mentally repeating a list or saying it to yourself refers to maintenance rehearsal By mentally repeating a telephone number after looking it up for the maintenance rehearsal While doing his homework, Joe noticed that he was having difficulty with metamemory. Our awareness of the functioning of our memory is defined by psychologists as metamemory. Extending the semantic meaning of something you already know refers to elaborative rehearsal. Using the phrase Elvis Guitar Broke Down on Friday to remember the elaborative rehearsal. The process of locating and returning information to consciousness is retrieval. Locating stored information and returning it to consciousness is retrieval. The correct order of events in memory processing is encoding, storage, and retrieval Sofia is taking a chemistry exam. She has not studied conscientiously for encoding failure Roberto is taking a physics exam. Although he has studied thoroughly information retrieval The process by which information is encoded, stored, and retrieved is called memory. Atkinson and Shiffrin proposed the three stages of memory referred to as sensory, short-term, and long-term n the Atkinson and Shiffrin stages of memory, the progress of information determines whether and how long information is retained. The eyes fixate from point to point several times each second. This is called saccadic eye movements. While Tanya is visiting the pet store she looks down an aisle and catches both a and b Humans experience a stream of consciousness rather than discrete sensory memory briefly holds perceptions, making them seem connected. The stage of memory that first encounters stimuli is called sensory. If an image of Abraham Lincolns face was flashed on memory trace. The turn of the century psychologist McDougall found four or five letters in a single fixation In 1960, George Sperling modified McDougalls method of ____ whole-report procedure; partial-report procedure George Sperlings experiment determined that both a and b. The significance of Sperlings partial-report procedure study is sensory Psychologist believe that we possess a sensory register for each of our sensory systems. Mental representations of visual stimuli are referred to as ____ icons; iconic Another term for photographic memory is eidetic imagery. Photographic memory involves iconic memory and eidetic imagery. What causes the flow of visual information to iconic memory Visual experience appears as a smooth and continuous iconic memory; saccadic eye movements You are taking notes, while listening to a lecture echoes; echoic Visual images are to ____ memory as auditory images are to iconic; echoic The sensory register that holds the mental representations echoic memory. Memory traces of sounds decay more slowly than those of visual stimuli. The memory that enables one to hold information for both a and b. One will generally encode visual stimuli into auditory both a and b Visual stimuli are most commonly retained in short-term memory by encoding visual stimuli as sounds that can be rehearsed Aaron has just been given a telephone number of a around 10 seconds Dana can only remember a few of the first and last items on her serial-position effect. Information at the beginning and end of a list tends to be more easily recalled than serial-position effect. Jim had received driving directions to his destination from the middle of the sequence. Paul can only remember the conclusions of his speech. This is an example of the serial-position effect. Amy is trying to remember her social security number, while Rehearse the set of numbers keeping them in the 3 chunks format. According to George Miller the number of pieces of information the average person can easily recall after a single exposure. After a single presentation, Megan can recall her friends chunking The typical maximum number of chunks of information that can be held is seven. The telephone number of Brads financial services firm is it consists of only two chunks of information that are meaningfully related to his business. The ability to remember the letters of the alphabet or the words in the rote memory. Mechanical association learning used by an actor to memorize his lines rote memory. Preventing rehearsal can ____ information contained in short-term memory. reduce The appearance of new information in short-term memory limited. The process by which new information displaces older information in the capacity of short-term memory is variable According to Atkinson and Shiffren, the third stage of information processing is long-term memory. Which of the following statements would Freud disagree with Our ideas and perceptions may appear lost because they were never properly encoded. The evidence for the popular idea that all of our experiences are arguable. The way in which we conceptualize our worlds, our beliefs, and o schemas. Rosalind, a forward on the womens basketball team, has invited Bryce She does not fit his schema of her dresses. A person that reconstructs their experience according to their prejudices is allowing a schema to influence their recall. Loftus and Palmer showed people a film of a car crash and then asked them to smashed into The idea that long-term memories are recollections of a car crash can be influenced by the way in which it is labeled. All of the following are problems with eyewitness testimony EXCEPT Children make better witnesses because they are less suggestible than adults. Elizabeth Loftus research on eyewitness memory suggests that memory All of the above According to Elizabeth Loftus, the most significant cause of memory is misleading information Experts suggest that witnesses to a crime contaminate their own memory of the event. The Lost in the Mall study illustrated that both a and b Which of the following is NOT true regarding long-term memory? There is a tendency to replace new information with old information. Danielle, a college senior, is trying to remember the names she has not yet found the cues that will help her retrieve the information from long-term memory A psychology student wants to know how to remember the elaborative The difference between rote learning and meaningful learning is maintenance rehearsal and elaborative rehearsal. Some language arts teachers like to say, Another language, another soul. The elaborative rehearsal. While studying for an astronomy exam, Haley realizes that the swirling motion of elaborative rehearsal. Craik and Lockhart argue that memory storage and recall depends upon the ____ depth The ____ model of memory proposes that memory consists of levels-of-processing Henry learned that the word diplomat originates from two Greek stems elaborative rehearsal What is meant by the word deeply in the statement All of the above Which of the following is an example of processing new information deeply. both a and b Susan, Judd, and Melanie work at a music store in the mall Judd The mnemonic device i before e except after c is based upon a(n) semantic code Benjamin can remember exactly where he was and what he was doing flashbulb memory. Emotionally charged events that arrest public interest, like the attacks of flashbulb memories. The vivid, detailed recollection of what you were doing when you learned about flashbulb memory. Flashbulb memories seem vivid for Dramatic events stimulate the brain to produce exact or photographic memories. Which of the following is true regarding long-term memory organization? All of the above ____ is formed in long-term memory by organizing information into groups Hierarchical structure Using the hierarchical structure of your long-term memory of All of the above Evan met Lesley at a party last week. He sees her again a few weeks after tip of the tongue phenomenon. Zelda is trying to remember the name of the actor who played the lead in the tip-of-the-tongue (TOT) phenomenon. One conclusion of Brown and McNeils classic study of the acoustic and semantic codes. Some of the participants in the Brown and McNeil TOT experiments proved to incomplete or imperfect learning. Research suggests that our memories of the past are people tend to seek out positive events and avoid negative ones Evidence from a number of studies demonstrates that recall is ____ worse; context-dependent Jill prefers to study for tests in the classroom where the tests are context-dependant Jennie returned to her elementary school when she was visiting her context-dependent memory Detective Rawlings asked Harry, a witness to a mugging, to mentally reconstruct the context-dependent memory Dà ©jà   vu is an example of ____ memory. context-dependant One afternoon Amanda could not remember where she left her purse. In the state-dependent memory In the effects of mood on memory, a happy mood may evoke state-dependent memory. Brooke drinks so much coffee that she Drink enough coffee to give herself the jitters again The classic studies that first made use of nonsense syllables in the study of Hermann Ebbinghaus. Remembering nonsense syllables is difficult because they are acoustic coding and maintenance rehearsal. A student taking a multiple-choice exam generally relies on the ____ recognition n preparing for the 40th high school reunion, Jill and Ed correctly identified recognition. In taking the position that only fill-in-the-blank tests are suitable for recall The memory task for most of the items in a multiple-choice test, such as recognition. Nonsense syllables are sometimes arranged as paired associates, recall. The paired associates task is used to measure the ____ memory task. recall Peter, a participant in a paired associate learning experiment, noted that both semantic and acoustic encoding The difference between the number of times required to learn savings. The concept of method of savings was developed by Ebbinghaus to study relearning In Ebbinghauss classic curve of forgetting, the greatest memory loss occurs most rapidly just after the material is initially learned Forgetting that occurs because new information inhibits the retrieval of interference theory. According to interference theory we forget material because a and b only Joy just learned to speak French, but she notices retroactive interference. Beatrice took four years of Spanish in high school. In college she studied retroactive interference At college Jim is learning to speak French, but he keeps using proactive interference. George just bought a new laptop computer after years of using a proactive interference. Which of the following statements is true regarding Freuds concept of repression? All of the above Psychoanalysts believe that dissociative amnesia involves repression. Freds history professor exhibits traits similar to those of repression. Bill recently found out that when he was a child his dog, which he thought was repression. The lack of support for the existence of recovered memories is based on Both a and b Freud discovered that many patients could not recall episodes that infantile The text presents several methods to improve memory skills. Which Avoid using familiar associations. In the Method of Loci, the material to be learned is associated with familiar images. The memory strategy called ____ relies on forming associations by linking two items mediation Mnemonic devices can incorporate chunks of information into a format such as all of the above A psychoanalytical explanation of infantile amnesia would include a and b only Which of the following is a physiological factor contributing to infantile amnesia? both b and c Jessica was upset because she was unable to remember her 4th birthday party a or b In ____ amnesia, there are memory lapses for the period following a trauma anterograde Anterograde amnesia interferes with many memory processes such as all of the above One of the symptoms of anterograde amnesia is a failure to establish memories after the injury, but a preservation of memories prior to the injury. Bill was in an automobile accident. The events just prior to the accident are still a retrograde Which of the following is a cognitive factor associated with infantile amnesia? Infants do not reliably use language to symbolize or classify events. In ____ amnesia, the trauma prevents patients from remembering events that retrograde The surviving bodyguard in Princess Dianas car was unable to recall retrograde amnesia. The clinical effects of head trauma suggest a period of consolidation ____ are viewed as electrical circuits in the brain that correspond to memory traces. Engrams In searching for the engram, Karl Lashley was in reality looking for the biological memory. Which of the following are thought to be involved in the biochemical process of both a and b Research on the biology of memory involving the visual cortex of memories may have neural correlates at specific sites When sea snails, such as Aplysia and Hermissenda, are conditioned, serotonin The enhanced efficiency in a synapse after brief rapid stimulation that makes long-term potentiation. Low levels of ____ are correlated with memory loss in Alzheimers disease. acetylcholine All of the following naturally occurring chemical substances have been adrenaline and noradrenaline. The structural changes in the brain that take place with the formation of hippocampus. Joe is a long-term alcoholic who has great difficulty storing new information in hippocampus After a stroke destroyed a large area of his frontal lobe, Dwight was less able to integrate place and time. It appears that storage bins for long-term memories are located in different brain areas. What part of the memory system is the prefrontal cortex thought to play? executive center After an industrial accident in which he experienced a penetrating hippocampus. Damage to the ____ disrupts the formation of ____ memories thalamus; verbal

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Which Tools Improve Your Chances

Which Tools Improve Your Chances Whether you are freelancing or penning the next great American novel, these days the Internet slings hundreds of tools, clubs, databases and short-cuts at you, all filled with promises. They claim to make your journey easier, more profitable, give you access to people youd never meet otherwise. What you dont realize is that many of them are simply attempting to make a buck off your eagerness. Writers crave publication with a passion. So much so that they often lose the ability   to judge efficiency. Writers also crave camaraderie, and all too often these groups give writers a sense of membership. I-feel-your-pain type of stuff. These online tools prey on both of those urges. They can steal your goals, making you focus more on the tool than the prize. Oyster is shutting its doors. So is Authonomy. I just watched two publications change from paper and electronic to purely electronic, all in the name of we meant to from the start or its to save the environment. Any tool out there exists to make a dollar, just like you. Theres nothing wrong with some of these tools, if you accept them as working for you, not vice versa. You should feel you get what you pay for, not feel that the tool will sculpt you into something youre not. You also dont need all those tools. A handyman may have a warehouse full of tools, but the majority of those he needs fits in his truck. Why should he invest into so many tools if he cannot see where they improve his productivity, success, and income? Nothing beats hard work and research. Or word-of-mouth from those whove gone before you. Dont become so entrenched in tools, clubs, and services that if they disappeared tomorrow, youd feel unable to continue. Recognize them for what they are. Choose the few that nurture your goal but dont distract you from it, and then strike out. Write and submit. Promote and publish. And be able to trek on no matter what tool decides to fold because its nary more than a tiny wrinkle in your pursuit of your craft.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Psychology experiement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Psychology experiement - Essay Example Their reaction to the picture will be measured by the effects of holding hot or iced tea. At the end of the experiment, they will fill out a questionnaire to measure their reaction to the weather in the picture while holding the tea. The sample size for the current study will be 12 people. The population has been selected due to the perception of weather by males and females. The questionnaire will include gender, race and questions that determine the perception of the weather in the picture while holding a hot and cold object. With that, the Iced tea group answered it was summer in the picture while the Hot tea group answered it was winter. The picture doesn't have anything that indicates weather such as people or trees. My hypothesis is that people who hold the tea would answer that the picture was taken in fall or winter because of the tea that they hold. However, the result is different. They thought it was the sea in summer when holding iced tea while the hot tea group answered it was winter. They thought it was the sea in winter except one. From there, people have different experience about sea, and weather, therefore I could not control it.